Bench and Tea - Pililla Branch

Food and drink

3 Melendres Street, Takungan, 1910 Pililla


Opening hours today for Bench and Tea - Pililla Branch

  • open now, until 21:00

  • You should double check these opening hours on their FACEBOOK PAGE

Weekly opening hours:

  • Tuesday: 10:00-20:30

  • Wednesday: 10:00-20:30

  • Thursday: 10:00-20:30

  • Friday: 10:00-21:00

  • Saturday (TODAY): 10:00-21:00

  • Sunday: 10:00-21:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 16 May 2024.

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About Bench and Tea - Pililla Branch

Bench and Tea - Pililla Branch is a one-stop-shop that offers a wide variety of milk tea to choose from which features distinctive tastes amongst its competitors. The flavors were meant to satisfy the tastebuds of all ages.

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